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15 Uncommon Filipino Words

We always use the Tagalog language in our daily communication. But there are still uncommon Filipino words that we can learn and apply. Here's our Group Blog to showcase these Filipino words.

For more information about our Group Blog, visit our page @ Home | Ryvcp (

Petition: "Don't Huff, Don't Puff, Stay Away and Quit from that Stuff."


Our mental health has a huge importance in our lives. Due to the fact that this enables us to grow both mentally and physically. In addition, it helps us to avoid being stressed too easily, maintains healthy living, and to learn effectively and express ourselves while learning. To achieve good mental health, we must take care of ourselves. And here are some tips and tricks that our group has come up with to serve as a guide. We hope this may help you and try to apply it to your daily lives as well!


Self Care for Better Mental Health

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